Surface disinfectant

Ready-to-use, alcohol-based disinfectant for the rapid disinfection of work surfaces and equipment. The surface in the food sector does not need to be rinsed.

Our plus

  • odourless
  • without fragrances
  • without colouring
  • BAG listed CHZB0595
  • no rinsing necessary in the food sector
  • fast reaction time against coronavirus: 30 seconds


Apply or spray Desipur OH onto the previously cleaned surfaces, apparatus, machines and tools, allow to dry. Exposure time: 30-60 s. Use only in well ventilated areas and on small surfaces. The treated surfaces must remain moist during the entire exposure time.


Use only on alcohol-resistant surfaces/materials. Bring food into contact with dry surfaces only.

Active ingredients

100 g solution contain: 23 g propanol-2-ol, 37 g ethanol.

Efficacy / exposure time

  • standard bacteria (incl. Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter): 30 s
  • Mycobacteria: 60 s
  • Fungi (Candida): 30 s
  • influenza viruses (coronavirus): 30 s

Data sheets

Wet wipe dispenser systems for our surface disinfectants


Wet wipe dispenser box Premium

item number 61966


non-woven cloth roll 90 wipes
(20 x 37 cm)

item number 61961


Wet wipe dispenser box

item number 61965


non-woven cloth roll 90 wipes
(30 x 30 cm)

item number 61960


Disinfectant for alcohol-sensitive surfaces

Ready-to-use surface disinfectant for hygienic cleaning with a broad virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal spectrum of activity. Due to its good material compatibility, the disinfectant is particularly suitable for alcohol-sensitive surfaces such as painted surfaces, Plexiglas and all washable surfaces and objects made of aluminium, stainless steel, non-ferrous metal, rubber, glass, hard plastic, ceramics. For the disinfection of sensitive surfaces in work and recreation rooms, wet rooms, fitness studios, solariums, restaurants, old people’s and nursing homes.

Our plus

  • alcohol-free, for alcohol-sensitive surfaces
  • ready-to-use
  • very fast and well effective
  • good cleaning performance
  • BAG listed CHZN6418


Apply or spray DESIPUR SENSITIVE undiluted onto the entire previously cleaned surfaces, apparatus, machines and tools and allow to react. The treated surfaces must be completely wetted during the entire exposure time. Remove excess liquid with a disposable cloth. The ready-to-use solution can be applied either as spray or as foam disinfection.


No direct treatment of food. After the prescribed exposure time, the disinfected surfaces that come into contact with food must be rinsed several times with drinking water. Ensure that all visible contaminations are removed before disinfection.

Active ingredients

100 g solution contains: 0,25 g quaternary ammonium compounds, benzyl-C12-16-alkyldimethyl-, chlorides; 0,25 g didecyldimethylammonium chloride; 0,25 g quaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl-, chlorides.

Efficacy / exposure time

  • standard bacteria/Candida (DGHM, high load): 1 min
  • enveloped viruses/coronavirus (BGA/DVV, high load): 1 min
  • rotavirus (DVV/BGA): 1 min
  • Salmonella/Listeria (EN 1276, high load): 5 min
  • norovirus (EN 14476, low load): 30 min

Data sheets


Wet wipe dispenser system

Wet wipe dispenser system for the use of DESIPUR surface disinfectants.



Surface disinfectant

Ready-to-use disinfectant solution based on hydrogen peroxide and silver. Effective in combating influenza viruses, coronavirus, bacteria and yeasts.

Our plus

  • odourless
  • without fragrances
  • without colouring
  • BAG listed CHZB0595
  • fast reaction time against coronavirus: 30 seconds


Wet the cleaned surface with undiluted disinfectant by targeted spraying or with a cloth/paper towel so that an even damp film remains. Let dry. Attention: Before use, check material compatibility on a small, inconspicuous area. Discoloration may occur on non-ferrous metals and some paints, and corrosion effects may occur on galvanized metals.


Use undiluted. Surface disinfection: 80-100 ml/m².


Use only in well ventilated areas. Spray disinfection: Do not use more than 30 minutes per day without respiratory protection. Wear suitable respiratory protection for longer exposure times.

Active ingredients

100 g solution contain: 1,5 g hydrogen peroxide; 0,003 g silver nitrate.

Efficacy / exposure time

  • influenza viruses, coronavirus (EN 14476): 30 s
  • bactericide (DGHM/VAH with load): 15 min
  • levurocide (DGHM/VAH): 15 min

Data sheets


Surface and hand disinfectants

Ready-to-use, alcohol-based disinfectant for the rapid disinfection of hands and alcohol-resistant surfaces (e.g. tables, door handles, toilet seats) and objects. Effective in combating influenza viruses, coronavirus, bacteria and yeasts.

Our plus

  • odourless
  • without fragrances
  • without colouring
  • can be used for surfaces as well as hands
  • BAG listed CHZN6048
  • fast reaction time against coronavirus: 30 seconds


Apply undiluted to hands and previously cleaned surfaces, apparatus, machines and tools or spray on, allow to dry. The treated hands and surfaces must remain moist during the entire exposure time. Exposure time: 30-60 sec. Use only in well ventilated areas and on small surfaces.


Use only on alcohol-resistant surfaces/materials.

Active ingredients

100 g solution contain: 66,3 g ethanol, 3,7 g 2-propanol.

Efficacy / exposure time

  • standard bacteria (incl. Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter): 30 s
  • Mycobacteria: 60 s
  • Fungi (Candida): 30 s
  • influenza viruses (coronavirus): 30 s

Data sheets

DERMATEC product range